Helsinki, National Archives, C 5:11/I. Court records for Kaakkois-Häme, 1443–1502
Court records for Kaakkois-Häme, 1443–1502.
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
1585-1615; 1715
Saec. XVI ex. - XVII in.; Saec. XVIII in.

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National Archives
C 5:11/I
National Archives
C 5:11/I
Helsinki, National Archives, C 5:11/I, Court records for Kaakkois-Häme,
Saec. XVI ex.–XVII in.
; XVIII in.
Court records
for Kaakkois-Häme
, 1443–1502. Edited
Hausen 1881, 1–123
(who refers to the foliation starting from fol.
5; here the modern foliation is followed instead). The first five leaves contain
copies of court records of date between 1460
and 1494
They were copied in saec. XVIII in.
and omitted
by Hausen from his edition.I:
Fols. – (in a
hand): Court records from
, Asikkala
between 1460 and 1494
(not in chronological
order). II:
Fols. –: Courts records for
of date between 1443 and 1502
. Edited in Hausen 1881, 1–123
. The records are
arranged according to place, but not necessarily by date.Asickala sochnn.
Anno domini 1477 fredagen näst S. Margarete
dagh ... ... Peer simonsson, Erich Hussah.Paper
53 fols.
20,5cm × 32,5cm
20,5cm × 32,5cm
Pagination in ink in the upper margin starting from fol. 5. Modern,
stamped or typewritten foliation in the lower margin.
; 2(IV-1)18
+ IV32
; III45
Catchwords in the lower margins of the verso leaves.
Judging from these catchwords leaves are missing after fols. 19,
The manuscript is composed of parts written at different times: fols.
1–4 probably during
saec. XVIII
, fols. 41–44
during saec. XVI
, and the rest during saec. XVII
. The manuscript is in relatively good
condition. Several leaves have been repaired, especially around the edges, using
a lining tissue. It is uncertain whether the current quire construction respects
the original or has been created during the rebinding. Most leaves have been
strengthened with paper in the gutter.The watermarks are
different between the sections written by different
One column, no ruling; number of lines varies.
Three scribes writing cursives of date between
saec. XVI and XVIII
. Hand I (fols.
–) wrote in saec.
; hand II (fols. –,
–) wrote a very carefully executed and petite
script, probably from the beginning of
saec. XVII
; Hand II (fols. –) wrote in
a somewhat less formal, but still practised script, probably from the end of saec. XVI
. (Hausen
argued that the manuscript was written by one hand at the beginning of
saec. XVI; a more accurate summary is found in Pirinen 1947, 68
).No decoration. The layout and other features serve practical purposes.
Modern cardboard covers.
The manuscript contains copies of court records from the
area. It is a compilation done at different
times. According to Pirinen (1947, 79)
the choice of documents shows that the manuscript
was originally copied in Porkkala
and later held in Kankais manor
. Mostly the sections seem to be complementary, but there is some overlap: for
example, fol. –v (written later) contain records also found on
, the work of another hand; and
contains a record also found on . The organization of the
book, as well as certain notes referring to its sources, suggests that the
manuscript was not a copy of a single medieval source but rather a compilation from
various sources (see Pirinen 1947, 69
).At the beginning
of the18th century
it was passed from Kankais manor
to Kurjala
, where it was held
by Kustaa Erik Tavast
(d. 1731
).Fol. : ‘af heredhshöfding Erick Axcellsons dom book.
denne Ofwan stående doms inne håld är ljka lydande ifrån ord uth skriffwn. Mavechmas
d. 6 October 1747. Carl Christ. Eneman’ (
Hausen 1881, 28
). The reference is to Erik
Axelsson Tott
(see Pirinen 1947, 70
). Carl Eneman
was a captain who owned goods in
Maavehma. He may have borrowed the manuscript while it was located in Kurjala
(Pirinen 1947, 80
).The manuscript seems to have been passed on between officials and added to for
centuries. It came to the
National Archives
in 1862
in the
collection sold by J. F. Stichaeus
; since he was the governor of Häme
he had perhaps
received it ex officio
(Pirinen 1947, 79
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Creative Commons BY 4.0