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Uppsala, University Library, C 199. Theological miscellany


A compilation of various spiritual and theological texts


Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici




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Uppsala, University Library, C 199. Theological miscellany
(?) (
A compilation of various spiritual and theological texts
Fols. :
Innocentius III (Lotharius Senensis)
De miseria humanae conditionis (sive De contemptu mundi)
. Cf.
Bloomfield 1753
; ed.
Lewis 1978
Incipit liber de miseria humane condicionis editus a Lothario dyacono cardinali sanctorum Sergij et bachi qui postea Innocencius papa tercius appellatus est
. (Dedication) [D]omino patri karissimo p. portuensi et sancta Ruffine Ecclesie Episcopo lotarius indignus dyaconus ...
De miserabili humane condicionis ingressu capitulum j.
[Q]Vare de wlua matris mee egressus sum ... ... Sulphur et ignis ardens in secula seculorum Amen.
Explicit liber de miseria humane condicionis. Ab his omnibus defendat nos pater filius et spiritus sanctus Vnus Deus Amen.
Fols. :
Glossa super Pater Noster
. Cf.
Bloomfield 9200
; ed.
Adam 1976, 182–198
Incipit optima exposicio dominice Oracionis secundum diversos doctores diuersis auctoritatibus approbata.
[P]ATER thomas de aquino non dominus quia amari appetit ... ... ex intellectu et affectu est dicenda.
Explicit optima exposicio dominice orationis
Fols. :
Conradus (Junior) de Halberstadt
In Sententias
Petri Lombardi
. Cf.
Stegmüller, RS, 166
Kaeppeli 760
Incipiunt excerpta de summa sentenciarum
. (Prologue) VEteris ac noue legis continenciam considerantibus patet quod vita studiosa ...
De quibus agit sacra scriptura capitolum j.
VEteris ac noue legis sentencias invenio quod sacra scriptura de duobus agit principaliter ... ... penas malorum videbunt quas ipsi per dei graciam euaserant Quam graciam ... semper benedictus AMEN.
Expliciunt excerpta sentenciarum anno domini M ccc lxxxiiij
. (Followed by a quotation from
De Civitate Dei
4,4) Augustinus, Remota iusticia quid sunt regna nisi
latrocinia parva, quia et latrocinia quid sunt nisi parva regna.
Fols. :
. Ed.
Opera 5, Quaracchi 1891, 201–291
Jncipit breviloquium ffratris bonaventure.
[F]lecto genua mea ad patrem domini mei ihesu christi ... [Eph. 3:14] Magnus doctor gencium et predicator veritatis diuino repletus spiritu ... ... quam te cognoscent et amabunt in illa vita. Oro deus ut cognoscam te ... ... donec intrem in gaudium domini mei Qui est trinus ... AMEN.
Explicit breuiloquium fratris bonaventure.
Fols. : Mnemonic devices for the books of Bible and the number of their chapters.
libri biblie
. Sunt genes ex le nu de iosu ... ... et bona multa bonis. (Fols. are blank).
Fols. :
Conradus Holtnicker de Saxonia
[identified as
in some earlier studies],
Speculum beatae Mariae virginis
. Cf.
Stegmüller, RB, 2017
Quoniam ut ait beatus Jeronimus nulli dubium est quin totum ... ... ille liberalissimus communicator sui benedictus fructus ventris tui qui cum patre ... Amen. (Followed by an ownership marking, see below.)
Fol. –v: Notes.
Fols. 1 and 217: A document which was used as flyleaves for the manuscript. See below.
(Small fragments removed from the bindings are now kept in a cardboard cover placed before fol. 1. The fragments contain, for example, a section of a prayer in Swedish.)
217 folios
15cm × 21cm (10-11cm × 17cm)
Modern foliation in pencil (occasionally in ink).
+ 2VI
; 11VI
+ (VI-1)
; 4VI
+ i
Quire signatures (i–xviii) throughout the entire manuscript marked on the verso side of the last leaf in a quire. The quire signatures suggest, the two booklets forming the manuscript were combined shortly after production.
Fols. 26 and 27 are pasted to a guard in the gutter. One (blank) leaf excised after fol. 167. Fol. 217 is loose.
The manuscript is in good overall condition.
One column with vertical and horizontal bounding lines (prickings visible in upper, outer and lower margins), a varying number of lines, usually
. 35–37.
Two contemporary main hands writing gothic cursive scripts. The first hand wrote fols. , dating his work
in a scribal colophon (fol. ) '
Expliciunt excerpta sentenciarum anno domini M ccc lxxxiiij
'; the second hand is responsible for fols. 169–216.
Simple pen-drawn intials in black or red; often the initials are not drawn and the spaces for them still blank with guide-letters nearby. Rubrics, punctuation, highlighting and underlining in red.
Blind-stamped dark brown calf over wooden boards. The front cover has roll-frames and the ownership marking noted above. The back cover has blind-tooled diamonds, and a stamped invocation ‘iesu’. Five wooden bosses on the front board and four on the back. Both boards show remnants of a strap and pin attaching to the middle of the back.
On the back board title-label on paper under horn, fixed by a frame of copper. Below the index on the bottom of the label a shelf-mark in red, ‘K 14
’. Below and next to the frames in black ink, another shelf-mark 'L primus vij'.
The binding is dated to
on fol. : ‘Ligatus est iste liber Anno sub domini 1389 Vigilia F---’. That the binding was done in
, where the book was purchased, is suggested by the front and back flyleaves, which are from a document mentioning
near Prague. Blind-tooled on front cover: ‘Liber domini
petri de vel
The manuscript is a compilation of spiritual and theological texts written, in all likelihood, in
. It is the work of two scribes, the first of whom dated his work to
. Since the binding is dated
, the second scribe must have completed his work by then. Although written by two different scribes, the rather homogeneous contents as well as quire signatures found throughout the manuscript indicate that the parts were designed to be together from the start.
The manuscript was purchased by
Thörnerus Andreae
, a priest from
, in
(probably during his studies there in
; see
Thörnqvist 1929, 274
): ‘liber thørneri andree emptus praghe pro duobus ducatis’ (fol. ). He carried the book with him to the
Birgittine abbey of Vadstena
: ‘liber monasterii sancte marie virginis in watzsteno quem attulit frater thørnerus andree olim clericus aboensis Orate pro eo’ (fol. ); he entered the abbey in
Vadstena shelf-mark ‘L I 7
in ordine’ is found on the
back cover
and on fol. . An older shelf-mark ‘K 14
’, also possibly related to Vadstena, is found on the index-label on the
back cover
The manuscript probably belonged to that group of books that remained in the abbey after its dissolution in
. They were removed in
and donated by King
Gustav Adolf II
to Uppsala University Library in
Uppsala University Library
’s shelf-mark written on a spine-label.
Bernd Adam,
Katetische Vaterunserauslegungen des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
, München 1976.
Margarete Andersson-Schmitt – Monica Hedlund,
Mittelalterliche Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Uppsala: Katalog über die C-sammlung, vol. 2
, Stockholm 1989, 305–306.
M. W. Bloomfield – B.-G. Guyot – D. R. Howard – T. B. Kabealo,
Incipits of Latin Works on the Virtues and Vices, 1100–1500 A.D.
, Cambridge, MA 1979.
S. Bonaventurae Opera Omnia. Tomus 5, Opuscula varia, theologica
, Quarrachi 1891.
DV =
Diarium Vadstenense. The Memorial Book of Vadstena Abbey. A Critical edition with an Introduction by Claes Gejrot
, Stockholm 1988.
Birgit Klockars, “Törner Andersson, en finländsk Vadstenamunk”,
Historisk tidskrift för Finland 44
Thomas Kaepelli,
Scriptores ordinis Praedicatorum medii aevi
, vols. 1–4, Roma 1970–1993.
Robert E. Lewis, (ed. and tr.).
Lotario dei Segni (Pope Innocent III), De miseria condicionis humane
, Athens, Georgia 1978.
Stegmüller, RB = Friedrich Stegmüller,
Repertorium biblicum medii aevi, 1–11
, Madrid 1950–1980.
Stegmüller, RS = Friedrich Stegmüller,
Repertorium commentariorum in Sententias Petri Lombardi, 1–2
, Herbipoli 1947.
C. Thörnqvist, “Svenska studenter i Prag under medeltiden”,
Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift 29
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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