Stockholm, National Library, B 47. Magnus Eriksson’s Stadslagen
Magnus Eriksson’s Stadslagen; Kyrkobalk from Upplandslagen and some additional texts.
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Saec. XV med.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.
National Library
B 47
National Library
B 47
Stockholm, National Library, B 47. Magnus Eriksson’s Stadslagen
Saec. XV med.
, Viipuri
(?) Magnus Eriksson
’s Stadslagen
and some additional texts.Fols. –:
, Kyrkobalk
(imperf.). One leaf missing and another torn. This
has led to lacunae in art. 14:5–10 and art. 17; cf. Schlyter 1834, 6–54,
. (invocations) Assit ad inceptum santa maria amen ... (Prologue)
Gudh sielffuir skirade forste lagh ok ... flockum oc lagum opländzskum. (Index) Her
börias kirkio balker oc tälias j hanum flokka twe oc tiwge. Vm kirkio bygning ...
A Crist sculu alla cristne troa ... ...
wari iorden ther som | xvii. Um frendsämio spiäld gudz ...
hafua fast oc qwinna nekar --- ... landz lagom oc the wilia ...
twa konunge twa--- ... hoor witer Ther äghir ...
... oc halfua then the fälla wilia.
libro sit laus et Gloria xpo.
(followed by an addition of saec. XVI
on taking an oath).Fol. –v:
Oath formula
, in Swedish
(by two different hands of saec. XVI
). Ed. Wiklund 1915
.Eeds sät at Swerria
. 1. Jach bider mig so gudh tyl hielp ...
tu hörer het tyn dom etc. Sewerin Wintter
Ensemeenen cappaledhet
. Minä rukoelen Jumala niin ... wallan
weryn wannom.Fols. –: ; ed.
’s Stadslagen
Schlyter 1865, 3–399
. Konunga balk 26, Radstufu balk 1 and Edsöris
balk 3 have been omitted; a large part of Edsöris balk 19 was also omitted, but
leaving space for it on the page into which the text was supplied by a later hand
(fol. ).Här börias kongx balker oc tälias i honum flokka xxiij etc.
(Index) Först huru borgmestara ok ... Nw scal man
borgamestara oc radhmen wälia ... ... span skal wara vm alt
rikit. Här börias giptamala balker oc tälias i honum flokka
(Index) i. Först huilkin ludh man skal ... Nw wil
man kona bidhia oc fästa tha scal man ... ... kost aghir til
rekinscapts ga. här börias erffda balkir oc tälias j honum flocka
. (Index) i. Först huru bryst arff scal ... Döör
bonde ellir hustru lifua barn ... ... som theta gozt gifuit
war. Her börias iorda balkir medh flokka xvij.
(index) j. Först huru erffda gootz scal vp ... Nw wil
nakar sine tompt sälia eller ... ... hördo än swa kan
widirtörfue. Här börias bygninga balkir oc tälias j hanum flokka
(Index) j. Först huru twe men sculu ... Twe
men skulu skipas j hwariom stadh ... ... som sudhre browari
lagh samw. Här börias köpmala balker oc tälias j hanum flokka
xxxiij etc.
(Index) j Först vm lösöra köp ... Alt theta
gootz man köp fä howat eller klöwat ... ... aff thy som slat
eller köpt är. Här börias skipmala balker oc tälias j hanum flokka
(Index) Hwilkin man til stadzins ... Hwilkin man
til stadzins hampn kombir ... ... a hwars thera wegna etc. Här börias Radstufw balkir medh flocka xxxv etc.
(Index) j. Ey ma man flere maal a annan ...
Tre äru radstufw daga i hwario wiku manedagin ...
... torn eller j stadzins gömo. Här börias
edzöris balkir medh flokka xxv.
(Index) j. Först at
rider man hem at androm ... Rider man hem at androm eller ganger ...
... hanga konunges hämpdh oc wredhe. Her
börias höghmälis balkier medh xi flocka
. (Index) j. Först än nakar myrder man
eller kona ... Myrdher nagar man man eller kona eller ... ...
om lagh som för är sagt. her börias drapa balker medh wilia xvj
(Index) j. Först um nakar draper annan vtan ...
Nw draper man annan vtan trangh oc wardir ... ... theta j
twäböte än theta är forsat. Här börias drapa mala medh wada xvj
. (Index) j. Först vm man hugger at androm oc ...
Nw hugger man aat androm oc warder ... ... thera xx marka
botum. Saramal medh wilia flocka xxj.
(Index) j. Först huru man scal nnan til ... Nw wil man annan til sara binda tha scal
... ... oc wärias medh sex mannom. Saramal
medh wada medh ix flokka
. (Index) j. Först at man hugger annan mot sin ...
Nw hugger man at androm oc annor ...
... edhin oc orkar ey botum. Här fölger tiuffua balkir medh xx
(Index) j. Först um tiuffuat warder ... Vardir
nakrom manne tiuffuat ... ... skiptis malsägendom konunge oc
stadin etc.(Fols. –, include notes concerning Ärfda Balk
15 written in the margin by a hand of
saec. XVI
.)Her fölger epter konugis gardzrät medh flokka xxiij
(Erik av Pommern
’s Gårdsrätt
Klemming 1868–1881,
j. Hwilkin man annan slar j häl oc wardir
gripin widh färske ... ... til sigir tha stande theta under
sama rät. (On hunting; Östgötalagen byggningabalk 36:2–3, cf. Schlyter 1830,
) Nu gange men effter elgh reysa the dywr ... ...
äger hundz halfwan manx lut. Om domara oc theris rät
judges, cf. Collin - Schlyter 1827, 292–294
). Hwa som rättir domare wil
wara han scal triggia handa ... ... brut oc ey aff sätias.
(Sayings related to the office of the judge in Latin
) Etas condicio
sexus discretio fama ... et iste morem desiderat. (On the rights of Lapps, cf.
Beckman 1917, 44
) Hwa som rädder en lappa j hans liiffs ... vt til
skiptis lagana.Paper
1 + 113 folios
13cm × 21cm (9cm × 14cm)
13cm × 21cm (9cm × 14cm)
Modern foliation in ink in the upper outer margin of the recto
i + (VI-1)
+ 7VI103
+ (VI-2)113
A leaf missing between fols. 11 and 12. The lower part of fol. 12 is
torn. Fols. 12 and 19 have been pasted to a guard. Originally they probably
formed the outermost bifolium of the second quire. The final two leaves of the
final quire have been excised.
The manuscript is in decent condition
overall. A few folia have been torn, the edges of the leaves are frayed and
several leaves have been darkened by dirt or smoke.
The manuscript
contains four watermarks (see
Åström 2013, 54, 57
): two watermarks
with dogs
(cf. Piccard, Vierfüssler, 3, VII, Hund,
1393 (1351); Briquet, Chien, 3613–20, and Piccard, Vierfüssler, 3, VII, Hund,
1348–1399 (esp. 1392); Briquet, Chien, 3613–3620
) and two watermarks
with a swan
(cf. Briquet, Oisseau,
). The watermarks have been dated to the first half of the 15th
.one column with vertical and horizontal bounding lines, 27–31
One main hand writing a simple and easily legible cursive of
saec. XV
.At least a few different hands of
making additions and correction in the margins.Dark brown calf over wooden boards. The spine and parts of the covers have been
rebacked. In the middle of the front cover a carved house mark featuring an upwards
pointing arrow with two horizontal strokes and one stroke on the right-hand portion
of the arrow. Parchment pastedowns. The boards overhang the text-block. Remnants of
a hook-clasp with a catch at the edge of the front cover.
The manuscript contains a copy of written
probably around the and on the small note concerning the right
of Birkarls to tax the Lapps. The oath formulae on fol. 19 were added both in
’s Stadslag
middle of saec. XV
It is a rather simple book of smallish stature and written on paper; possibly the
personal copy of a city official. According to Beckman (1917, 44)
manuscript originated in Viipuri
) based on the version of the Stadslag
and in Finnish
in saec. XVI
. This, together with the inscriptions
pointing towards Viipuri
, show that the
manuscript was still in Finland
at this time. Inner front cover
: in a hand of saec. XVI
, ‘Thenna bock hörir birgitte Arffwidt olsson till’.
Possibly this note refers to the widow of Arvid
, a councillor (rådsman) in Viipuri
between 1564 and 1566
. In another hand, subsequently struck through:
‘Joan olexala(?) y jerrula [Jorrola?] bye’. Below this, in a different hand
saec. XVI
, ‘Thenne bok hörer
Seuerin Winter then(?) hustru(?) --- honom skinkit haffuer --- 48’. The same name
appears on fol. 19r. Severin (Söffring) Vinter
also a councillor in Viipuri
, between 1545
and 1566. The same hand added a list of purchased books with the headline ‘Tesse
böker haffuir iach köfft tyl myn son mat[hias?] ... ’ (ed. Beckman 1917,
).In a hand of
is, ‘H. Månses i Waltuna’. Possibly this was Måns Andreae Claviger (or Melkorstadjedal)
, parson in Vallentuna
.Inner back cover
: Several notes in
of saec.
indicating ownership by Pavel Matsson
from Denmark
: ‘Pauel matzon is meine namen. Geburen to landztrone
in Denemarken’, ‘dit boek hört my påuel mattson ... ’, ‘ Pawall Matzon Juull bin ich
genant, Mein gelucke stedh in Gottes handh’. On fol. : ‘Pauel
Matzon Jull’. First paper flyleaf recto, apparently a reused letter (
saec. XVII
): ‘Venerabili viro domino
Erico ---[pa?]stori in sponga fidelissimo --- fratri et amico dentur ---‘. Possibly
refering to Erik Eriksson Gåse
, parson in
.Shelf-mark of the National Library, ‘B 47’, on inner
front cover and spine.
saec. XVII
the manuscript
was apparently taken to Sweden where it found its way into the hands of the parsons
of Vallentuna and Spånga. It eventually arrived at the National Library of
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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